Lunchtime is a new time trap for busy moms who are feeding more mouths more often at home.
The first two weeks of quarantine I was exhausted... just from the cooking.
the breakfasts
the second breakfasts
the snacks
the lunches
more snacks
and don't forget dessert
While I can't promise that kids will eat less...I do think have less "I'm hungry" moments by providing FILLING meals.
My top 5 filling lunch ideas for busy moms includes my favorite Cheesy Bean Skillet Meal, which is both affordable and a one-pot fun meal that takes less than 10 minutes!

Here is a simple rhythm to follow for calmer weekday lunches:
1) Write out clearly what will be served so that partners and children can collaborate
2) Choose a pattern you can follow (aka Monday- hot dogs + carrots, Tuesday- PBJ + apples, etc)
3) Buy a back-up option for that bad day when you need an easy options
For free meal planning tools, visit my Pinterest board of healthy lunch ideas and tools like this breakfast & lunch planning tool.

The most important thing is to NOT FORGET YOURSELF. Plan foods that you need for the week so that you aren't left eating old nuggets off their plates.
You deserve better, mom.