The Wellness Cohort with Nora Shank Nutrition
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found the 

right place

Welcome to the Wellness Cohort


You're ready to make a change.
You want to eat healthy.
You want to lose weight the right way.


After all those years, you're tired of...
  • Being confused by all the "rules"

  • Losing + regaining weight again and again

  • Not really knowing how to stay on track

You Lost Weight Before 

You tried everything you were supposed to...

Counted calories, carbs or points.

Done the cardio.

Cut the carbs.


But It Keeps Getting Harder.

When the cravings (and pounds)

start coming back,

you still don't feel like you have control and a plan that works for you.

You feel like it'll never be done.

What's the Problem?

You've be tricked to believe diets are the only way.
You're stuck in a negative mindset about food + your body.
And those rules are messing up your natural metabolism.
How are you supposed to know the "best" plan, when there's always a new diet to try?
We all want to eat healthier.
But it can feel overwhelming to sort through all the wrong information or feelings when you wonder if it's just going to be another (failed) attempt.
You just need a kinder place to start.


Introducing The Wellness Cohort

Finally, a step-by-step path that cares about you as a person and finding that precision plan that fits you, your family and your life.


The Wellness Cohort is expert coaching + a course where you get the support and community you need to lose weight and find wellness beyond the dieting.

I'm Nora Shank

The Mindset Dietitian

In case you don't know my story, I struggled for years, stuck in a negative mindset, which felt at war with my love of great tasting food.


All the rules I was taught as a registered dietitian only made it worse. It drove me crazy as my weight went up and down and I felt like I had no control over something I was supposed to be the expert in! 


That's when I started to teach myself a new way of thinking & eating that honored my body and helped me stay slim.

Join the 


Join a transformative plan that teaches you how to manage your metabolism,

find the right mindset about your body,

 & eat the right meals so you can slim down

and stay that way.

It'll be your last diet

Comprehensive Personal Evaluation​
Caring, Expert Coaching
Community Support
Convenient On-Demand Videos
Ways to work through + overcome bad habits
Simple, delicious meal ideas
7 Days Done-For-You Meal Plan
with grocery lists
30 Day Slim Down Recipe Booklet

Who is this for ?

Busy moms who want to set a good example for their families and have better energy.
Working Professionals who want to stay healthier while traveling and know how to eat out.
Women who want to lose weight without constantly counting or worrying.
Anyone who desires to experience deep personal change that doesn't stop when the diet is over.

Who is this not for ?

If you are struggling with an eating disorder, or if you have been diagnosed with diabetes or kidney disease, you need to be under the care of a team,
including a licensed dietitian in your state. Please email me if you need help finding the right experts!

It was the freedom from all of the eating rules that I was convinced I had to follow in order to feel good (but never really felt good eating this way)... And to plan — that my best weapon against feeling bad was to just have a plan and back up options. Nora's helped me so much; I've already lost 14 pounds!

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